
4th graduation ceremony Malawi University of Science and Technology

  The Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) on August 11, 2023 awarded 410 students with certificates, diplomas and degrees in 21 disciplines. The ceremony, held at MUST campus in Thyolo, was presided over by His Excellency Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, President of the Republic of Malawi and Chancellor of MUST. In his remarks, Dr Chakwera hailed MUST for doing business unusual and encouraged it to be more innovative, especially in finding solutions to national challenges. He urged the graduates to explore the endless opportunities before them while exercising responsibility. MUST Vice Chancellor Professor Address Malata said the university has finalized a new strategic plan that will guide its operations from now until 2030. Chairperson of Council, Dr Matthews Mtumbuka, said the university was on a growth trajectory both in terms of infrastructure, academic programmes, faculty, student enrolment and quality of service and graduates. Attached below are speeches made by the

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Mzuzu University to celebrate 25 years Anniversary since it's inauguration in 1997.

  Mzuzu University wishes to inform the general public that, this year, it will hold Silver Jubilee which will be launched by the Chancellor, His Excellency Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, President of the Republic of Malawi on Wednesday, 6 th  September, 2023. The celebrations are marking 25 years of existence and service to the Nation. The theme for the celebrations is  MZUNI@25: Serving the Malawi We Want.    As part of the Silver Jubilee, the University wishes to inform all students who completed their studies after December 2022, their parents, guardians and the general public that the 25 th  University Congregation is scheduled to be held in two sessions as follows:   A.        FIRST SESSION: Date            :         Wednesday, 6 th  September, 2023                  Time           :         7:30am                 Venue        :         Mzuzu University Sports Grounds    His Excellency Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, President of the Republic of Malawi and Chancellor of Mzuzu Unive


  EXPLORING THE ROLE OF LIBRARY STAFF IN MARKETING OF INFORMATION SERVICES AND PRODUCTS AT ZUZU UNIVERSITY LIBRARY.       BY EDGAR G. CHIRWA         MZUZU UNIVERSITY JUNE 2017   INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND A product is any good, service, or idea that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or need whereas   services are deeds, processes and performances provided or coproduced by one entity or person for another entity or person (Mary, Valarie and Dwayne, 2009, P4). Marketing means concentrating on the customer and their needs; being market oriented rather than product oriented (Alison, 2008: p4). However, marketing libraries or any other organisations involves three steps. According to Kurtz and Boone (2006, P7), the three steps in marketing include: identifying needs in the market place, finding out which needs the library can profitably serve, and developing an offering to convert potential buyers into customers. Therefore, understanding the m